Little Rituals
It is another new year. This is the year when I will finally do it—get my house in order, clean out the storage room(s), get the perfect tracking system for my business, and . . .
Begin the writing again.
It is not always on the first of the new year that I do this. Sometimes it is the beginning of a new season. Or my birthday or the beginning of a new class—how many writing classes have I taken? But here I am again. And this time I built a ritual around it. Candles, sushi, a great bubbly. Quiet time without interruption. Ah yes this will be the time.
These rituals are important. They set the mood and help you set your intentions. So the candles are lit. John Coltrane is adding rhythm. I have read previous posts to remind me what this writing is all about. All a good start. And that is just it. A good start. However what good is a good start if you don’t follow through? I cannot promise that I will follow through and create a regular practice of writing these posts but today on this cold, dark January 1st that is my intention. Do you find yourself starting over and over again? Let’s explore some options that might help.
Why are you doing this?
Ah, that is a good question, I have always told myself that I don’t care in anyone reads this. I am doing it for myself. Ah, but that is not the truth. I do care. I am writing it for you. You who have come upon this and are actually reading it. I want it to be inspirational, entertaining and leave you wanting more. A post like this does not give immediate feedback and that makes it a challenge. So for now I will go back to the fiction that I do’t care if anyone is reading it. I will continue with the candles, reading previous posts and looking for inspiration.
Do you have your tools at hand?
I know, I know. I have had plenty of lectures that it does not matter if you are writing on the back of an envelope. The important thing is to just write. However it sure does help to have your tools ready. A table and chair. Good lighting. Is your device charged? Some people have a specific pen and notebook. My handwriting was never all that good but lt has deteriorated so that even I cannot read it. Therefore handwriting in a notebook is or that first thing in the morning journaling. The kind of thing you will never have to look at again. Writing you want to share does require being able to read it the next day. So for me it is my trusty iPad. I like that because it is more mobile than carrying a computer around with with me. Your results may vary.
Have a search engine available
As I age, and even before that, I often suffer from brain fog. What was that word, that location, that name? It is amazing how much Dr. Google can help. Sometimes I can look for a word that means the same thing. Or describe the person to find the name. You may need to search your contacts or your friends list. What was that song? What can you remember? The first line? The artist? Can you describe the subject? This is not a matter of aging brain. It has always been the case that my brain goes blank. Sometimes it helps to just remember how long the word is and leave space to come back.
Have a cheering team
It seems that many writers like being alone. No need to share. I am not one of those. I need to share with my friends. I need the cheer team. Now the cheer team needs to be people who understand the craft of writing. My cheer team is most often members of my writing classes or groups. As these groups fade, I must find new ones. Writers gather. Especially for those of us who are social.
Set a regular time every day
OK, this one I have not mastered. It is my intention. An intention I keep repeating. This time I will actually do it. Julia Cameron of The Artists Way suggests morning pages. Morning pages are not writing. Morning pages are for only you. They clear your brain and help you get focus. They are important like brushing your teeth. But they are not actual writing—the stuff you want others to read.
Read what others are writing
This serves several purposes. It exposes you to different writing styles, gives you knowledge you can use for your own writing and sometimes just helps the brain to function. If find that it also helps me observe the zeitgeist-what are people reading? What are they talking about?
Now as you may have guessed by now, these suggestions are not for you, the reader. They are for me, the writer, or rather, the would be writer.
Happy new year. Hope to “see” you again soon.

Here We Go, Another Post About Beginning Again
From the Not Your Grandmother’s 70 March 2022
I felt this post was very timely, so sharing it again.
How many times have you decided to begin again? Begin a new career? Begin a more healthy life? Begin your best-selling book? Begin a new hobby? There are so many things we might want to begin again. Well, to quote Nike—JUST DO IT. Easier said than done. Right? I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t always work.
So many times in my life, I wanted to begin again. Maybe more than most people. In my adult life, I have lived in 20 homes! I just counted, and that’s what it is. I started the count when I was 20, and a new bride and number 20 brings me to my lake view. Careers? I’m not sure how to count. Let’s just say a lot. However, I have been in my current career twenty-five years. Two states but the same career.
The pandemic has caused many people to reassess their lives. What is really important? What do I do now? I didn’t get into the bread-making mode. I did learn to love Zoom. (no shoes, sweatpants, and sports bra) I thought about all the ways I would begin again. I thought I would begin again in both Januarys of the pandemic. Birthday? First of the month? Monday?
Distraction. What gets in the way? I will start as soon as I unload/load the dishwasher. I will start when I get the living room re-arranged. Oh, I need to respond to emails. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Wait a minute. Where did the morning go?
Today I picked up Julia Cameron’s Book- The Artists Way and the follow-up—are you ready for this? It’s Never Too Late to Begin Again. The message I have been preaching! It is a twelve-week program. Twelve weeks! I looked through both books and the companion workbook. I never made it past week three. So do I begin at week four, or do I start at week one? I think the message is START NOW.

The Time Machine Question
(From the Archives of Not Your Grandmother’s 70, October 2018)
What would you tell your younger self? Ah, the time machine question.
I was recently challenged to write about what I would tell my younger self. Obviously: “Keep writing!”
I wrote as a young girl. When did that stop? Probably when my mother read my biographical journal and made fun of it. So younger self:
I was so excited to take journalism in high school. I learned to write – who, what, and why for the first paragraph. I learned a little about typesetting. (How quaint.) However, I did not stay with it. Why? The teacher did not like some of my mannerisms and suggested journalism was not for me. So younger self:
Marriage, teaching, motherhood, divorce, mid-life. When did I stop writing? Why? Then, at last — law school. Law school is all about writing. Complex, challenging, REAL writing. I even wrote a law review article. Great practice, even if it was not published. Actually, it was quite prescient, and I took a stand. As I recall, it was something about defining a “close relationship” and could include an unmarried partner. Not bad for 1995, is it? So, younger self:
I passed the bar and opened a law practice. Passed another bar and opened another law practice in a different state. Even though bar exams involved a lot of writing, it is not the creative writing I craved. That budding writer was still dormant.
One day as I was building my new business, I received a sales call from a local newspaper. They offered me the opportunity to write a column – an advertorial I learned. You know — the one you would get at the bank or the car wash? I jumped at the chance. That column jump-started my writing. I wrote a monthly column. People came into my office with the column in hand. I got a lot of business. And I was getting great feedback about my writing.
After a few years, that newspaper folded —literally. By then, everyone had websites, and my columns easily transferred to a blog on my website. That led to joining a reticent bloggers group which was the start of many writing classes, retreats, and ongoing groups. I then officially considered myself a writer. I even published a book. Younger self: Why did you have to be 60 before you started writing?
Now it is your turn:
Why I Speak Out
From the September 2015 Archives Causes, campaigns, elections. Everyone has an opinion. Or do they? I am dismayed at the number of people who seem to be anti-having any opinions or at least think you should keep them to yourself. Stay quiet. Keep your opinions to...
Navigating Travel On Your Own
Dinner for one? No thanks. Wander around a strange city by myself? Nope. Some women delight in solo travel. They wander through Paris, Peru, and Egypt. I know these women. They are not me. But then, how am I going to see the world? Watching travel channels won't do. I...
Purses, totes, handbags, pocketbooks. Women have owned all these for as long as I can remember. We always have to have our purse - handbag - with us. Need tissues, lipstick, a checkbook, a wallet, and now a cell phone. Even multiple cell phones. Men are mystified by...
Finding Spiritual Advisors in Unlikely Places
Spiritual advisor, counselor, guru, therapist, resident philosopher, teacher – all terms for someone who gives you guidance mainly by listening without judgment, perhaps interjecting just the right words of wisdom. Many people pay for such advice, but most of us...
Solo Travel
I hate going to a restaurant by myself. Or movies. Or very much else. I am just not a solo person. So, it is no wonder that I had very little travel experience until I was much older. However, once I discovered an alternative, I have...
The Agony of The Pretty Girl
I have been reading recommendations that say it is not appropriate to compliment little girls on how pretty they are. I do it all the time. “Oh, you are so pretty.” We don’t say that to young boys. We might say they are cute, but we mean cute as children are...
The Time My Life Changed
(The picture above: Graduation from Western State University College of Law in Irvine, California. To my left is my son-in-law Doug Vavrick and to my right is my daughter Kathleen Quirk.) Funny, sometimes we experience what would be life-changing events, and we know...
So It’s New Year’s Eve – Must Say Something Meaningful
How many New Year’s Eves has it been? I remember the year I said that I had no expectations of anything happening in the coming year. Funny, before the year was over, I was married. The one and only marriage I have ever had. While that may be a subject of future...
Mood Indigo Blues: From the Archives of Not Your Grandmother’s 70 – May 2017
You ain’t never been blue; no, no, no You ain’t never been blue, Till you’ve had that mood indigo. That feelin' goes stealin' down to my shoes... You know what it is. The pits, the gloomies, down in the dumps. Rolled up in a ball on the bathroom floor. In...
What’s In A Name?
I recently took a group tour abroad with what we politely call “mature” people. Most were couples, and something that stood out as unusual for such a group was that most women had different names than their husbands. I commented to one of the women that I found this...
Funny Girl
(Yes, these are words to a song) FunnyDid you hear thatFunnyYeah, the guy said honey,You’re a funny girlThat’s me; I just keep themIn stitches doubled in halfAnd though I may be all wrong for the guyI’m good for a laughI guess it’s not funnyLife is far from sunnyWhen...
Ageism or Sageism? (From the archives of “Not Your Grandmother’s 70,” 2013)
The question for today: How to impart wisdom to those following behind without sounding like a know-it grumpy old person. I started this blog when I celebrated my 70th birthday. My challenge for the BIG birthday was a two-week trip down the Colorado River through the...
Archives – 2015 from Not Your Grandmother’s 70… I Took A Walk On The Beach To Find My Purpose And Guess What Happened?
I have been reminiscing over past posts, and this one still rings true. It is amazing how life repeats itself. Here we go: Today I took a walk on the beach, hoping to find a solution to a problem I had been wrestling with. I found an answer, but it was not what I...
We all have rituals. Some around events, holidays, and rites of passage. When do we find we must create new traditions? I recall years ago when I picked up my grandson from daycare. We had regular “gramma dates.” He is, at this time, four years or so. He tells...
What to Do When Your Life Sucks
Do you ever have days when your life sucks? I don’t mean significant momentous tragic events like a health problem, serious relationship issues, or, God forbid, a car collision or other disaster. No, I mean just one of those days where you have what we may call the...
Solo Travel
I hate it. Always have. I feel like the naïve young woman who got on a train and traveled solo across the country from Spokane, Washington, to Dallas, Texas. I had to navigate changing trains, ordering meals, and getting my luggage. But there was my handsome fiancé at...
The Oldest Person in The Room
How did it happen? It wasn’t always so. The Air Force Officer was with his young wife (that would be me). The pretty new teacher. Once, an organization needed to nominate someone for “Man of The Year,” and I was selected because the nominee had to be under 35. I was...
What I Hoped to See
I have a concert ticket. What is it I hope to see? I feel that I have seen all the concerts on my bucket list. One of my earliest was one I didn’t know was a big deal until much later in life. I wish I had paid more attention. I was in a tiny jazz club in Seattle. The...
Lost and Found
I didn’t really lose it. It was just put away for a long time. I don’t know when I found it again or what made me even look for it. After all, I had more exciting necklaces to wear, and the simple little gold pendant was not meeting my fashion sense at the time. Now...
A Funny Wedding
1962 is known by most people in the Pacific Northwest as the year of the Seattle World’s Fair. You know, the Space Needle, the arches at the Science Center; the fountains. I never made it to the world’s fair. Although the world’s fair did play a role in what I will...
Remember What’s Her Name?
We’ve all done it. Tip of the tongue. Huh? I know I know that word. You are telling a story, and suddenly the word stumps you. Oh my, is this the first sign of dementia? Let’s put you at ease right away. The good news? Tip of the Tongue happens to everyone,...
My Grand Canyon Adventure
I was not an adventurous traveler until I turned 70 years old. My husband and I took road trips and visited national parks. I went on a group tour to China and walked the Great Wall—but that’s a story for another day, and I never considered it a great adventure. Well,...
Slogging through Covid
It was a beautiful summer evening for a community event: cider, wine, and beer tasting in a very urban environment. As the center's name implies, seriously urban environments - Kirkland Urban. One could walk from merchants, art galleries, and restaurants - taking tiny...
What I Meant to Say
I started this blog with the idea of offering inspiration. Everywhere I go, I am told I am inspiring. Perfect strangers tell me I am an inspiration. Is it because I went to law school at 50? That I built a successful solo law practice? Something I said? Some days I...
Who Are Your Muses?
(As a verb, to muse is to contemplate something. As a noun, it means a person — especially a woman — who is a source of artistic inspiration.) I am a writer who spends more time thinking and talking about writing than actually doing it. I have a writing coach, a...
Do You Do What You’re Good At?
It is funny the memories that stay close to us. Many years ago when I was teaching sixth grade, and during a parent-teacher conference, the dad asked me to tell him about his daughter’s weaknesses so they could focus on improvement. I felt so sorry for that young...
Settling for Enough
I was participating in one of those visualization/meditation exercises, where I am in a garden contemplating what I wanted. What’s next? I think about a book I am reading: Why Bother by Jennifer Louden....
Woo Woo
Manifestation I hear people use the word manifestation a lot these days. Seems like I hear it more and more from people I wouldn’t consider “woo woo” persons. As in “I manifested a new client”. I’ve even used it myself. And I have manifested...
My Rock
Hay Stack Rock and the tip of Cabo San Lucas are iconic rocks that I have photographed. There even is a joke that I framed a picture of me in front of a rock. My friends laughed and pointed out that one would not be wearing a tropical shirt and a sun hat...
Good Bye Birthday Cake
Ten years ago I started a blog called Not Your Grandmother’s Seventy. Tag line: living your best life at any age. I started it in commemoration of turning seventy. I blogged on and off these last ten years. Sometimes diligently weekly, sometimes I skipped weeks,...
The Rise of the Octogenarian
In keeping with the theme of it’s never too late, today I took a look at the octogenarians among us. We are a powerful lot: politicians and activists. Still very active. I’ve included the president of the United States because he will be joining us soon....
Eighty Years Plus One Day
Does it feel different? Of course not. Why do we think we will wake up the next morning and everything will be different? The pandemic is still raging with Delta variant our latest cause for concern Climate change is still real Forest fires are still cause for concern...
It’s never too late-Or is it?
I have subtitled this blog Live your best life at any Age —it is never too late. Do you really believe this? Do I? Is it truly never too late? I started this blog as an inspiration to others, and myself, that it truly is never too late. I started it as I turned...
Where Am I Going?
Day 3
At a turning point: so I will no longer be in my 70’s; but, boy, that was a lot of fun!
A Boxing Match Births a Career
Day 2
Going to law school and finding direction at a boxing match.
Why a Blog?
Day 1
Blog renaming, my purpose, and starting (and restarting) at any age!
It’s never too late to begin again. Or is it?
Ten years ago I started a blog in anticipation to my 70th birthday. Feeling energetic and active, I decided to call it Not Your Grandmother’s 70. Subtitle: living your best life at any age. It seemed fitting because I considered myself the poster child for it’s never...
So It is New Year’s Eve. Must say something meaningful
How many New Year’s Eves has it been? I remember the year I said that I had no expectations of anything happening in the coming year. Funny, before the year was over I was married. The one and only marriage I have ever had. While that may be a subject of future posts,...
The Time Machine Question
”What would you tell your younger self? Ah, the time machine question. I was recently challenged to write about what I would tell my younger self. Obviously: “Keep writing!” I wrote as a young girl. When did that stop? Probably when my mother...
In Defense of Football and Homage to Mrs. McLaughlin
”You really need to understand football, all of you” was a command from Mrs. McLaughlin. (The same Mrs. McLaughlin that I credit with making me take college prep classes which changed my life) So we learned the basics of football. First and Ten — do it again. What...
Another Trip Around the Sun
Seven years ago I started this blog on the eve of my seventieth birthday. It’s been an on and off situation. Sometimes people even read it! So if you are good at math you can determine that I am now 77. Holy Thor. I’m not sure I know anyone that old. So once again I...
The Time “Just Not Screwing Up” Worked
Some successes come with a resounding “Yippee”, and a spin around the room. Passing a bar exam comes to mind. Some successes take a while to sink in. And then there are the ones you didn’t realize were such a big deal until much later. Often when looking around for...
Is It True No One Reads Anymore?
“No one reads blog posts anymore” is something I heard a few weeks ago. Perhaps no one reads anything longer than a twitter feed anymore. I am told Instragram is where it’s at. #donotmakemeread. Pictures of cats, babies and beautiful cupcakes? That’s all we want?...
A Trip Down Memory Lane
This was written in March 2011 — in anticipation of turning 70 that year. There have been stops and starts in the years between. This year I committed to revive the blog with a new post every Sunday. Today I look back at the beginning. The baby boomers are now well...
Why I Speak Out
“Oh, I don’t talk politics, you can’t change anyone’s mind.” I often find myself "preaching to the choir" feeling I can't possibly make a difference. But that's not true. I do believe we can and should shine a light. We can make a difference. Whenever I feel that...
I Wrote a Book and You Should Too
I learned this week that no one reads blog posts anymore. Well, that just makes me sad. But I just keep writing them whether anyone reads them or not. So there! As you have probably guessed, this blog is my fun writing. It is keeping the mental juices flowing,...
Manifestation and Other Woo Woo Stuff
I was listening to an audiobook today in which the author talked about manifestation and all that woo woo stuff. She approached it with amusement but yet a touch of seriousness. She pointed out that one cannot just sit poolside and manifest a great job, a lover a...
Why You Should Consider a Mastermind Group
I have been writing a lot about connection, accountability, and developing social circles. Most are very informal, but there is a variation that is more formal that has made a tremendous difference in my life. The groups go by different names but they are basically a...
Turning Points
The Road not Taken Two roads diverged in a yellow wood and sorry I could not travel both And be one traveller, long I stood and looked down one as far as I could to where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, and having perhaps the better...
When Pulling the “Old Lady Card” Can Be Useful
Remember the old days when we used our charm to get our way? I think today charm is way way underused. Charm can be used by male, female, nongendered. Old, young. “Charm is the ability to make someone think that both of you are quite wonderful. Charm is not about...
The Joy of Being Single—Part one fine dining?
I am in the business of making people single. I see the positive changes happening to people when they reclaim their lives. Often they did not know how unhappy they were until they made the change to being single. But I do have to caution folks that it is not the...
Do you have a tribe?
Last week I wrote about commitment and that I had committed to an every Sunday post. Well I broke the streek. You know, Super Bowl, friends gathering, etc. etc. So here it is Tuesday and I am committed to a blog this week. Fresh out of ideas, I asked my tribe....
“Commitment is what Transforms the promise into reality. It is the words that speak Boldly of your intentions. And the actions which speak Louder than the words. It is making the time When there is none. Coming through time After time after time, Year after year after...
My Conversation With a Millenial
Grandma meets the millennial. He probably winced when I walked in the door of the Mac store. Certainly not his demographic. "She's going to waste my time and won't understand anything" I'm sure he was thinking. He seems a little more interested as I pulled out my...
Some Days the Garbage Does Pile Up
The new year has come and gone. Last week I found myself with a head cold, my car was out of gas, there was no coffee in the house. If I didn’t have auto pay I probably would be without lights or heat. Adulting can be challenging. And then this . . . A true...
Your Grandmother is on Facebook, and that’s a good thing
This is my friend, Bonnie and her Seahawks ring. Bonnie is more than 70. Bonnie is on Facebook. Be like Bonnie.Now and then I meet people who refuse to be on Facebook. Not sure what that is about. Once again I make my case. Of course, the likelihood of you seeing...
Welcome 2018
Here we are. Another year. What is a new year without resolutions? For several months I have been promising to bring back this blog. Then I set a very clear intention that I would begin January 1. A Super Moon, a full moon. It was a great time to begin an...
Are You a Writer?
I am told the first step to being a writer is to call yourself one. I write. I write marketing pieces for my business, I journal. I write e mails to clients, other attorneys and I think some pretty funny Facebook posts. I occasionally, but not as often now, write...
Mood Indigo Blues
You ain't never been blue; no, no no You ain't never been blue, Till you've had that mood indigo. That feelin goes stealin down to my shoes You know what it is. The pits, the gloomies, down in the dumps. Rolled up in a ball on the bathroom floor. In bed, covers...
A nostalgic trip back to a time that never was
On a recent sunny day I ventured out to a place back in time. Fifty years ago (FIFTY?) I was a new teacher in the small logging town of Snoqualmie and today seemed like a perfect day to visit the famous Snoqualmie falls. Yes, a perfect trip back in time. Except I...
Sometimes “I got nothing” can be a good thing
Update: This was written two years ago It is amazingly prescient as I sit here wanting to revive my blog. “I got nothing”. That was how I opened a recent speech. Seriously – I had nothing. Let me put it into some context. I attended a speech workshop. I...
Why I’m Not Writing a Book
For several years I have been writing a book. Well, I have been talking about writing a book, thinking about it, taking classes, attending seminars and I’ve even designed the cover of my book. Except the book never gets written. Now I am clear: I am NOT writing a...
Causes, campaigns, elections. Everyone has an opinion. Or do they? I am dismayed at the number of people who seem to be anti having any opinions or at least think you should keep them to yourself. Stay quiet. Keep your opinions to yourself. "I don’t talk politics,...
I took a walk on the beach to find my purpose and guess what happened?
Today I took a walk on the beach in hopes of finding a solution to a problem I had been wrestling with. I did find an answer but it was not what I was expecting. And the result is a lesson that might just apply to other situations. I am working on a project and was...
Finding Spiritual Advisors in Unlikely Places
Spiritual advisor, counselor, guru, therapist, resident philosopher, teacher – all terms for someone who gives you guidance mainly by listening without judgment, perhaps interjecting just the right words of wisdom. Many people pay for such guidance but most of us...
Class Reunion Time
Why would you go to a high school class reunion? Unless you were class president, homecoming queen or a cheerleader, high school was probably not your favorite time in your life. All that teen age angst, all that never quite belonging turns out to be a common...
Are You Building Your Lemonade Stand?
“When life gives you lemons, you don't make lemonade. You use the seeds to plant a whole orchard - an entire franchise! Or you could just stay on the Destiny Bus and drink lemonade someone else has made, from a can.” ― Anthon St. Maarten Let me tell you about two...
Living your best life includes having a spiritual basis. Don't worry, I'm not going to go all religious on you. My friends come in many variations of spirituality including traditional Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, NewThought, and even atheist. The kind of...
One of my discussion groups was discussing how our lives are shaped by decisions we made along the way. There is a somewhat new agey idea that all of our decisions are the right ones because they got us to where we are today. My group all agreed there were some...
Many people suffer from this disease and it can be quite debilitating and while not necessarily life threatening, it can interfere with a person’s quality of life, affect personal relationships, careers and even one’s hopes and dreams. Waidle (sometimes known as...
Today I Saw My Future
This is day two of writing challenge I saw myself at what I hope is a distant future I didn't know it at the time, but today I saw my future and I found some inspiration and some despair. I was at my grandson's baseball game which was called because of rain....
When we were little kids we all used to like to play with kids our own age. An older child playing with younger kids was considered weird. Many folks carry this into adulthood. I suggest that you learn to play with people of different age groups. I frequently have...
"Fictional characters like Professor Kingsfield of The Paper Chase have contributed to an image of the quintessential law school professor who puts a student in the “hot seat” and delves into what seems like an intimidating and almost torturous line of inquiry. This...
"Your Story can change someone else's" You, Yes you! can make a LOT of difference in someone's lives merely by practicing the LOT principle. Listen, Observe, Tell Does the name George Bailey ring a bell? He was the main character in the perennial classic...
“When the moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligns with Mars, then peace will guide the planets and love will steer the stars. This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius , Age of Aquarius” If you identified with these lyrics this message is for you. If you...
"Oooh, I would never do Facebook - it's dangerous!" Walking across the street is dangerous, life itself is dangerous. OLD is about not trying new things. My purpose in these musings is to help folks from being OLD. (OLD is the opposite of the wise sage we...
Remembering Fifty Years Ago
November 22, 2013. Of those of us alive in the United States, there are three events that will forever be “where were you”. They are Pearl Harbor, the Kennedy Assassination and nine eleven. Those who remember Pearl Harbor are now in their late 70s and beyond. ...
Ageism or Sageism?
The question for today: How to impart wisdom to those following behind without sounding like a know it all grumpy old person. I started this blog when I celebrated my 70th birthday. My challenge for the BIG birthday was a two week trip down the Colorado River...
What To Do When Your Life Sucks
Do you ever have days when your life sucks? I don't mean big momentous tragic events like a health problem, serious relationship issues or, God forbid, a car collision or other disaster. No, I mean just one of those days where you have what we may call the blahs,...
The Longest Day of the Year — Or, Why I never made it to the Seattle World’s Fair
The space needle is painted orange these days – homage to the days of its beginning when it was the symbol for the 1962 World’s Fair. It was a symbol for the future, looking forward to the next century. For me the Space Needle will always have a different meaning. ...
Have You Checked Your Social Settings?
In case you didn’t know it, we in the Seattle area have been snowed in for a week. I was going to write about how Facebook kept me connected. I was keeping up with friends, enjoying videos from friends who were “stranded” in L.A. and had to drive up the coast to...
Jobs I Have Done For Pay
As I converse with people in different fields I often hear myself say "I've done that". It does seem like I have had a lot of jobs. Today I decided to list the jobs I have had for pay. These are pretty much in chronological order although I sometimes revisited...
Now What?
I said I was going to blog. I actually published some posts and some got reposted. Good grief I even have some followers. Now what? I participated in a thirty day challenge to blog every day. I lasted four days. Now what? I made a commitment that I would continue...
One of my favorite children's books is Alexander and the Horrible Terrible Very Bad Day. Maybe you have read it? It begins with Alexander declaring "I woke up this morning with gum in my hair and I knew it was going to be a horrible terrible very bad day" He then...
What Happened to the Dinner Party?
I love to browse cookbooks and magazines about cooking. I subscribe to Cooks Illustrated and and even watch the Food Network at the gym. (OK, I did that three times but it sounds good) I imagine the wonderful dinner parties I will have. In the meantime I eat...
Things You Must Not Say If You Don’t Want to Look OLD
"Aging is mandatory. Getting old is optional" has become my mantra. Granted I am being opinionated here which is a prerogative of being a sage, which I intend to be. So here goes my own opinion grounded in careful research while moving around my community and...
Technology for Old People
I don't want to be disparaging to old people. I just don't want to be one of them. If you are reveling in being old, go for it. I choose not be. So here are some more irreverent ways not be old. TECHNOLOGY Please don't run from technology. You learned how to use...
Why do all the “How to Look Fabulous at Any Age” Articles End at 50?
Glamour, Vogue, W, Cosmopolitan, Savvy. We expected it of them. But MORE -- the magazine for mature women? They all do fashion and makeup articles for looking good at any age. Really? ANY age? Rarely do they even go to 60. As the baby boomers are now in their...
Say Good Bye to Sixty
Six months ago I started this blog with the idea of memorializing my countdown to the end of my sixties. I added one more post shortly after the first when I found my mentor and writing coach had pushed me out of the nest by publishing my post to her 800 nearest and...
OMG I’ve Been Outed
Feel the fear and do it anyway. So they say. What do they know anyway? It usually takes a good friend to push you into the water, or off the couch. I have just had a friend give me that push. I have been outed. For some time I have been tinkering around with...
Not Your Grandmother’s 70
"My financial plan only needs to go to seventy because that's all the longer I plan to live" A financial planner quoting a client I was quite taken by this comment from a financial planner sitting on a panel with me on retirement planning. It was a...
Thank You, Gloria Steinem
But you don't look ________(that old) Gloria Steinem is one of my heroines. She came into my life at just the right time. When she turned 40, it was unheard of for a woman of such years to admit her age. She did. People kept telling her that she didn't look forty....
Welcome to 2011 — The Year the First Baby Boomer Turns 65
Yesterday the first baby boomer turned 65. I'm ahead of the curve. I'm not exactly a member of "the greatest generation". (Never mind that I was born in the wrong county for that). I'm apparently five years older than the oldest boomer, yet that is where I feel I fit....

Karin Quirk