What I Meant to Say

What I Meant to Say

I started this blog with the idea of offering inspiration. Everywhere I go, I am told I am inspiring. Perfect strangers tell me I am an inspiration. Is it because I went to law school at 50? That I built a successful solo law practice? Something I said? Some days I...
Who Are Your Muses?

Who Are Your Muses?

(As a verb, to muse is to contemplate something. As a noun, it means a person — especially a woman — who is a source of artistic inspiration.) I am a writer who spends more time thinking and talking about writing than actually doing it. I have a writing coach, a...
Do You Do What You’re Good At?

Do You Do What You’re Good At?

It is funny the memories that stay close to us. Many years ago when I was teaching sixth grade, and during a parent-teacher conference, the dad asked me to tell him about his daughter’s weaknesses so they could focus on improvement. I felt so sorry for that young...
Settling for Enough

Settling for Enough

I was participating in one of those visualization/meditation exercises, where I am in a garden contemplating what I wanted. What’s next? I think about a book I am reading: Why Bother by Jennifer Louden....
Woo Woo

Woo Woo

Manifestation I hear people use the word manifestation a lot these days.   Seems like I hear it more and more from people I wouldn’t consider “woo woo” persons. As in “I manifested a new client”. I’ve even used it myself. And I have manifested...