

We all have rituals. Some around events, holidays, and rites of passage. When do we find we must create new traditions?  I recall years ago when I picked up my grandson from daycare. We had regular “gramma dates.” He is, at this time, four years or so. He tells...
What to Do When Your Life Sucks

What to Do When Your Life Sucks

Do you ever have days when your life sucks? I don’t mean significant momentous tragic events like a health problem, serious relationship issues, or, God forbid, a car collision or other disaster. No, I mean just one of those days where you have what we may call the...
Remember What’s Her Name?

Remember What’s Her Name?

We’ve all done it. Tip of the tongue. Huh? I know I know that word. You are telling a story, and suddenly the word stumps you. Oh my, is this the first sign of dementia? Let’s put you at ease right away. The good news? Tip of the Tongue happens to everyone,...
Slogging through Covid

Slogging through Covid

It was a beautiful summer evening for a community event: cider, wine, and beer tasting in a very urban environment. As the center’s name implies, seriously urban environments – Kirkland Urban. One could walk from merchants, art galleries, and restaurants...
What I Meant to Say

What I Meant to Say

I started this blog with the idea of offering inspiration. Everywhere I go, I am told I am inspiring. Perfect strangers tell me I am an inspiration. Is it because I went to law school at 50? That I built a successful solo law practice? Something I said? Some days I...