Who Are Your Muses?

Who Are Your Muses?

(As a verb, to muse is to contemplate something. As a noun, it means a person — especially a woman — who is a source of artistic inspiration.) I am a writer who spends more time thinking and talking about writing than actually doing it. I have a writing coach, a...
Where Am I Going?

Where Am I Going?

I have been asked where is this blog taking me. That is a question I have been asking myself. Where do I want it to go? I truly am at a crossroads. I started this ten years ago as I was approaching a milestone birthday. I wanted to convince myself and others that it...

Why I’m Not Writing a Book

For several years I have been writing a book.  Well, I have been talking about writing a book, thinking about it, taking classes, attending seminars and I’ve even designed the cover of my book.  Except the book never gets written. Now I am clear: I am NOT writing a...


Many people suffer from this disease and it can be quite debilitating and while not necessarily life threatening, it can interfere with a person’s quality of life, affect personal relationships, careers and even one’s hopes and dreams. Waidle (sometimes known as...

Today I Saw My Future

This is day two of writing challenge  I saw myself at what I hope is a distant future   I didn’t know it at the time, but today I saw my future and I found some inspiration and some despair.  I was at my grandson’s baseball game which was called...