The Time Machine Question

The Time Machine Question

(From the Archives of Not Your Grandmother’s 70, October 2018) What would you tell your younger self? Ah, the time machine question. I was recently challenged to write about what I would tell my younger self. Obviously: “Keep writing!” I wrote as a young girl....
Why I Speak Out

Why I Speak Out

From the September 2015 Archives Causes, campaigns, elections.  Everyone has an opinion.  Or do they?  I am dismayed at the number of people who seem to be anti-having any opinions or at least think you should keep them to yourself.  Stay quiet. Keep your opinions to...
What’s In A Name?

What’s In A Name?

I recently took a group tour abroad with what we politely call “mature” people. Most were couples, and something that stood out as unusual for such a group was that most women had different names than their husbands. I commented to one of the women that I found this...
Solo Travel

Solo Travel

I hate it. Always have. I feel like the naïve young woman who got on a train and traveled solo across the country from Spokane, Washington, to Dallas, Texas. I had to navigate changing trains, ordering meals, and getting my luggage. But there was my handsome fiancé at...
The Oldest Person in The Room

The Oldest Person in The Room

How did it happen? It wasn’t always so. The Air Force Officer was with his young wife (that would be me). The pretty new teacher. Once, an organization needed to nominate someone for “Man of The Year,” and I was selected because the nominee had to be under 35. I was...