Say Good Bye to Sixty

Sep 22, 2011 | Uncategorized

Six months ago I started this blog with the idea of memorializing my countdown to the end of my sixties.  I added one more post shortly after the first when I found my mentor and writing coach had pushed me out of the nest by publishing my post to her 800 nearest and dearest.  Then there are two drafts that will probably never see the light.  I did take my big adventure but did not report.  (But I will, promise.  The pictures are fantastic and I did keep a journal of sorts.  Now, here we are:


Yup, today is my 70th birthday.  My daughter posted an event on Facebook for my “milestone birthday” and I am amused by the number of folks who say “You aren’t sixty, are you?”   Well, no, I am not 60.  Now what?

I am not a triathlete and while I did recently rejoin a gym, I am not all that into exercise and physical challenges.  I work out, no longer to fit into a size six, but to fit into anything at all and stay above ground.  So you probably won’t be reading about me in Shape Magazine.

I would like to make a list of things I still want to do but find myself facing a longer list of things I will probably never do.  Not that I can’t — I don’t believe in limiting myself by age, just frankly, don’t want to do and can now comfortably say I won’t.  Not on my list.   Actually, I like that idea of a list of things I probably never will do:

  •        Fly an airplane
  •        Jump out of an airplane
  •        Get another college degree
  •        Have another baby
  •        Climb Mt. Rainier
  •        Learn French, or Mandarin
  •        Run a marathon
  •        Have every single room in my house de-cluttered  (I want to but let’s be real)
  •        To be continued
There,  got that out of the way.

But there is time

Still remaining on the list are career goals, business plans, so-called self-improvement projects.  There is a book or two in my future and I would like to set up one big adventure a year.

The Big Adventure 

The big adventure this year was a two week trip down the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon.  It was a challenge physically, financially and a challenge to leave my business for almost three weeks.  It was so well worth it and I will be posting and sharing pictures.  Promise.  I love how many people tell me that trip is on their bucket list.  I hope to encourage others to make that trip.

Celebrate the day

Today is about celebrating the day with my friends.   I love when my many circles come together.  I notice at memorial services that often the decedent had several circles of friends and acquaintances that had never met each other.  I want to remedy that while I am still alive.  It is one of my talents — bringing people together.

Stay tuned

My commitment now is to continue with my goals.  Meet my challenges and to write about them on a regular basis.  I hope you want to come along for the ride.


  1. A belated Happy Birthday to you, Karin! Hope you had a wonderful celebration.

    I enoyed reading what you’ve written on your blog. You’re blazing the trail for the rest of us who are still working on our 60s.

  2. Your writing coach here Miss Karin…to applaud you for FINALLY coming out to play in the blogosphere in a public way. Your voice is funny and powerful and intelligent, intelligent, intelligent.

    You speak for many whenever you write. To have you report your daily adventures is more than enough for this devoted reader!

    Keep blazing the trail…the maidens, the mothers and the crones will appreciate you~!


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