Woo Woo
I hear people use the word manifestation a lot these days. Seems like I hear it more and more from people I wouldn’t consider “woo woo” persons. As in “I manifested a new client”. I’ve even used it myself. And I have manifested plenty—more of that later. But first, what is it? When I looked it up I found lots of non woo woo definitions. “The melting of the Polar Ice Cap is a manifestation of climate change”. No that’s not what I was looking for. I realized I was thinking of spiritual manifestation. Then I found this:
What is Spiritual Manifestation? The idea behind Spiritual Manifestation is that you can bring your dreams and desires into being by regularly meditating and thinking positively. Spiritual manifestation is one of the New Age concepts of the Law of Attraction.
Well, that’s way more woo woo than I was thinking about. What about woo woo? Is it really a term? As a matter of fact it is:
“unconventional beliefs regarded as having little or no scientific basis, especially those relating to spirituality, mysticism, or alternative medicine.
“some kind of metaphysical woo-woo”
Wow that’s harsh.
Earth calling. Do you know some real life woo woo? I use it for people who do things that work but I can’t explain—Acupuncture, cranial sacral, my woo woo yoga coach, my intuitive writing coach. Yes, I know, some of those do have scientific explanations. I just know they work. Do they only work because I believe they work? There is some of that. But let’s get down to plain ordinary woo woo in our lives.
I recently signed up for an on line workshop on Spiritual Manifestation. Hey, pandemic isolation leads you to trying lots of things. Every day there is a very simple task of something to manifest. It’s beginner work so you can get in practice for bigger things.
Most of these simple things just require you to be observant. A blue truck, a beach ball, a funny hat are pretty simple. But when i opened up I had some surprises.
A white feather
I walked in park, along the beach, around my yard. Nothing. Then as I was at a gala, I saw a black feather on the floor. I read that black feather has metaphysical qualities. I picked it up to save in my bag. As I stood up and saw a woman toss a white feather boa around her neck. Dare I ask to pluck one? Then I realized I only need to see it. And I did Mission accomplished
A Crow
How difficult could this be? It doesn’t have to be a real crow, just an image. Pay attention. Why can’t I see a photo, a sculpture, A piece of jewelry. Stupid assignment. I’ll just scroll Facebook. I hate “reels” but I scrolled through. There was a a graduation ceremony from a school I’ve never heard about. I had no idea why I was seeing this. And then a banner popped up —go crows and a picture of their owl mascot!.
Am I a convert yet? Now I’m ready for some more big stuff. And yes, there has been some really great woo woo stuff.
What has been your experience with woo woo?

My Rock
Hay Stack Rock and the tip of Cabo San Lucas are iconic rocks that I have photographed. There even is a joke that I framed a picture of me in front of a rock. My friends laughed and pointed out that one would not be wearing a tropical shirt and a sun hat in front of Haystack Rock in Cannon Beach Oregon. Any pictures of me in front of that rock I am wrapped in a parka, barely peeking out from under a hood.
However, there are no pictures of me in front of the rock that is most important to me. It is an outcropping on the beach in Laguna Beach at the end of Oak Street. I call it “my rock”. I lived behind an alley across the street from Coast highway. (In Laguna Beach, the Pacific Coast Highway is called Coast Highway, as is well known by the locals).
This rock was large enough for me to fully lay down on and absorb the sun. The sun that could heal my sorrow, my fear and even celebrate a success. Even on a cloudy day the rock absorbed the warmth of the sun. The rock helped me through a romantic break up I was sure I would never recover from. I meditated on that rock when I had to make decisions.
However, the most meaningful time on that rock was the time when it looked like I might not get to finish law school. I was in the deepest despair. (I was humming Mood Indigo, “You ain’t been blue, no no no till you’ve had that Mood Indigo”.) I cried. I silently screamed at the universe. The rock did not judge when I brought a Bloody Mary for breakfast and a Margarita for lunch. My life was really over. The student loans were on hold; I didn’t know how I would pay my rent. My future was indeed bleak. Then the skies opened up for me and the sun came out. I was living in a shack by the beach and pursuing something that I had wanted for a long time. Life had been good for me. Now choruses of “I Will Survive” went through my head. I became determined. I knew what I had to do next. I had to build up my courage and believe in myself. I was reminded of other times in my life when I put on my grown-up clothes, faced adversity and prevailed.
I took on the law school administration and prevail I did! I even saved several other students who had been caught in the same administrative malaise trap. Yes, I did complete law school. Yes, I did pass the California bar. Just like I promised my rock.
Years later, as I was living by a lake in Washington State instead of by the sea in California, I found out that I did not have sole ownership of that rock. I met a woman who still lived in Laguna Beach. Not only did she know about my rock, she considered it HER rock. She had commissioned an artist to paint it and the painting was above her bed. She sent me a picture of that painting. I was happy to share my rock with someone who appreciated its magic
I have not returned to my rock and I do want to visit it. But my mission at present is to find its replacement. There must be a rock, a bench, or a garden step somewhere close by that can fill the purpose. A place where I can meditate, cry, problem solve. Yes. Today I will find the rock that’s will sustain me in my present life
Do you have your rock? Perhaps you can join me on a quest to find a magic place in nature that sustains you.
Two pictures of iconic rocks. Not “my rock”

Good Bye Birthday Cake
Ten years ago I started a blog called Not Your Grandmother’s Seventy. Tag line: living your best life at any age. I started it in commemoration of turning seventy. I blogged on and off these last ten years. Sometimes diligently weekly, sometimes I skipped weeks, months, even years. One year ago I started thinking about what I should do with this blog. Rename it? What should I call it? None of that mattered because I did—nothing. Oh, I talked about it. A lot. I wrote a few pieces that were well received but without consistency I pretty much lost my audience. So now what?
Still working on ultimate look and current name is simply: Karin Quirk. And so it shall be until I get inspiration for another title. Hopefully I’ll get some input from my readers.
Ten years ago a good friend provided the cake for my birthday party. It was an amazing cake but the most amazing thing about it was that she had a representation of me on a raft going down a river. This was an homage to my birthday trip down the Colorado river. A fine cake indeed.
And I clung to that image as the cover for my blog. For ten years! When I was working with my support team on creating the new blog, I was told the birthday cake had to go. We had to explore new designs. Designs that more accurately depicted what this new blog would be about. This is not about age. A seventy year old’s birthday cake would not do. So good bye birthday cake.
I have been asked why I’m doing this? What is my message? Who am I trying to reach? Can I say I don’t know? No? Then let’s dig in. Why am I doing this?
At my last birthday party (parties actually) all the cards and well wishes used the word inspiration. I’m inspirational? Why, because I’m still above ground? No, that wasn’t it. I have not lived an ordinary life, that’s for sure. I have had ups and downs and even a few triumphs. In my day job I work hard to inspire my clients to build their new lives. My message is don’t give up. It is never too late to start again.
I want to entertain, make you laugh, and, yes inspire you. When I am doing that, I laugh at myself and even inspire myself —sometimes I will tell you funny things that happened to me. Share inspirational stories. There’s that word again.
Stick around and let’s see how this evolves. I want to engage you as part of my community
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Karin Quirk