I Wrote a Book and You Should Too

Apr 15, 2018 | Uncategorized

I learned this week that no one reads blog posts anymore.  Well, that just makes me sad. But I just keep writing them whether anyone reads them or not. So there! As you have probably guessed, this blog is my fun writing. It is keeping the mental juices flowing, building a community and holding me to a commitment since I committed to a blog post every Sunday.  Sometimes the Sunday blog post doesn’t get published until Wednesday or sometimes later but it is definitely my exercise in keeping a commitment. Some of my friends are holding me to it and asking about it. (Thanks Kim)

Someday Not Your Grandmother’s 70 will be a book.  After I attend another workshop, another weekend seminar and get some more coaching. Good thing I have a very patient coach. It will happen—Someday.  In the meantime I just keep writing.

But I really did write a book! A real published book. As my daughter pointed out, it has an ISBN number and everything. (You can find it on Amazon) Why am I not acknowledging that I am a published author.  Hey, I have received $16 in royalties.  I guess it is because it is a book based on a formula. My publisher gave me the template and I followed the format. Ten chapters with six word titles and each chapter had ten lessons in six words and a 60 word descriptions.  It was a fun challenge. The idea behind the project is to establish yourself as an expert in your field. I worked on the project off and on for about six months but I got it done. My publisher handled most of the details of production, including editing. Everyone helped with proofreading.

Choosing the cover photo was the most challenging. Finding just the right picture that conveyed the write tone took almost as much effort as writing the book.  No rainbows or couples walking on beaches.  Oh, did I tell you? The book is about divorce.

I want to share some of the side benefits of actually getting a book published and why I think you should write one also.  Professionally I certainly established myself as an expert but there was so much more.

The book hit Amazon while I was on a Caribbean cruise. We were riding on a bus that had wifi when I got the email with the link. The whole bus cheered and we toasted with champagne.

One day I was in an independent bookstore and casually asked the owner if he would be interested in having the book on consignment. Yes, he would and he would want to host an author event. Then he said “I am so jelous, you are actually a published author.”  The man owns a bookstore and he is envious of someone who actually has a published book. Even if it is just a little book.

Having a book is such a great conversation piece. I have fun handing it out and joking that leaving it on the table might get your spouse’s attention. I have gifted about 150 of them. I am not trying to make money from sales. I use it to establish credibility and that it does certainly do.

If you are interested in an expert book I suggest you check out Six Word Lessons.  You will enjoy being a published author.

I had so much fun with this book I am excited for the next one.  The next one will be fun and inspiring and not an expert book at all. Well I guess you could say I am an expert in living a long time.

Oh, and here is a picture of said book.



And if you care:  https://www.amazon.com/Six-Word-Lessons-Peaceful-Divorce-Cooperation/dp/1933750693





  1. Yes! You are a published author! And I can’t wait to order your new book once it is written! Love your Sunday blogs…

    • Thank you. Thank you for inspiring me.


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