
Jan 28, 2018 | Uncategorized

“Commitment is what
Transforms the promise into reality.
It is the words that speak
Boldly of your intentions.
And the actions which speak
Louder than the words.
It is making the time
When there is none.
Coming through time
After time after time,
Year after year after year.
Commitment is the stuff
Character is made of;
The power to change
The face of things.
It is the daily triumph
Of integrity over skepticism.”

Urban Dictionary



I made a commitment that I would write a blog post every Sunday night. Here it is Sunday night. I have accountability partners I made a commitment to.  I made a commitment to myself.  So here I stare at a blank page.  But but but:


Yup, that’s what commitment is.  So what are some techniques for keeping your commitment?


Some people use very simple post it notes, plain notebooks or even whiteboards.  Not  me.  I am still in search of the perfect planner or journal.  Here are a few I have tried:


You are free to search these yourself on the Google machine.  My current favorite is the Best Self Journal which is quick and easy with a morning ritual and an evening ritual.  (I’m still working on the evening ritual part). I also do my morning pages.

Morning pages:

This one has become my tried and true and most long lasting commitment.  (There is that word again)  The idea behind morning pages is that you free form write for three (3) pages.  The magic usually comes on page three.  Lately I have been giving myself a little leeway.  Some days it is 3-5 pages and some days it is 3-5 paragraphs.  But I am committed to do some writing every morning.

Someone asked if you could take weekends off.  Of course you can but then are you willing to make weekend days less than great?

Do your morning pages.  It’s good for you.

Vision Board

This is not a daily practice.  It is more of a once a year practice for me.  Several friends and I get together.  (Yes, there is usually wine involved) and we work on a vision board.  It is really interesting when we look at previous year’s boards.  The car, the book, the vacation all have come true for me.  The romance?  Not so much.

Here is my board for this year.  Stay tuned for the report.


Mind mapping/90 day plans/business plans

Very useful tools.  Not my strong suit but I am working on it.  Don’t have any to share but that may just be a future blog post.  Also useful are Affirmation cards which I do use and will share at some future time.

But today’s blog post is about:


And I did it.  This is the fifth week in a row for Sunday night blog posts.

What are you committing to?

Inquiring minds want to know.  Please post your commitment in comments below.



1 Comment

  1. Fantastic and inspirational! Thank you for being the amazing person you are and sharing your life with us!


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