Purses, totes, handbags, pocketbooks. Women have owned all these for as long as I can remember. We always have to have our purse – handbag – with us. Need tissues, lipstick, a checkbook, a wallet, and now a cell phone. Even multiple cell phones. Men are mystified by women’s purses. What wonders can be found there? The queen of England always carried a purse. What was in there? What could she possibly need while out and about? I should include the men. Some of them now carry some bag. It must look manly.
There are purses in department stores that must be under lock and key. Believe it or not, some of these bags cost tens of thousands of dollars. What possibly could be in such a treasure? Tissues, lipstick, checkbook, wallet, and cell phone. No different than all the other purses. I myself have fallen victim to the highly-priced bag. Not the one for tens of thousands, but one or two name brands that no one should spend that kind of money on. It scares me even to read that. Yes, I fell into that trap. I wanted to look like a woman of substance, hence the expensive bag everyone would notice. There is even the fake expensive bag someone gave me. Then there is that boxful of no longer used bags I mean to take to a thrift shop, a shelter, or somewhere helpful. Add that is on the to-do list.
I have noticed that older, much older women carry big purses. Of course, they may need it their medications and their address book. Can’t trust those electronic devices to have all those names and birthdays. But what else is in that mysterious darkness? I once saw a woman find a cell phone in her purse that had been lost for weeks. And why are these ladies’ purses always black? Wouldn’t it be fun to carry a red one? Ah, the mysterious women’s purses. Does a fanny pack count as a purse? I guess so. Some of my friends do carry these with the same contents. I hope there is a passport in there, as these are mainly used for travel.
Sometimes one needs a big bag—a tote- for the laptop, iPad, notebook, tissues, lipstick, checkbook, wallet, and cell phone. And where IS that pen? I have several sizes of these totes depending on where I am going. Lately, I have been experimenting with going out with (gasp) no purse. What do I need? My cell phone now has a holder for credit cards, so I don’t need a wallet. I need my keys, of course. That’s what pockets are for. Most coats have pockets. My yoga pants have pockets. Yes, even dresses now have pockets. There is freedom in not worrying about where to keep your bag. The floor? The back of your chair? I was taught in a Miss Manners class that a lady never puts her purse on the table. And bless those establishments that have purse hangers under the table. Oh, but the freedom of NO purse. Yes, it takes some getting used to. Almost as if I’m not fully dressed. I love the freedom of not carrying a purse.
Oh, I still am keeping my collection. The large tote for work days, a tiny one that holds about as much as I can keep in my pocket, something fashionable that shows I am a woman of substance. But it sure has been a fun experiment weening myself of the ever-present purse. Now, where are my reading glasses?

Karin Quirk
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