Some Days the Garbage Does Pile Up
The new year has come and gone. Last week I found myself with a head cold, my car was out of gas, there was no coffee in the house. If I didn’t have auto pay I probably would be without lights or heat. Adulting can be challenging. And then this . . .
Your Grandmother is on Facebook, and that’s a good thing
This is my friend, Bonnie and her Seahawks ring. Bonnie is more than 70. Bonnie is on Facebook. Be like Bonnie. read more…
Welcome 2018
Here we are. Another year. What is a new year without resolutions?
For several months I have been promising to bring back this blog. Then I set a very clear intention that I would begin January 1. A Super Moon, a full moon. It was a great time to begin an intention.
Set up the work space. Light candles. Alexa is playing just the right music. I will use my MacBook because that’s what writers use. Still not sure what to write about but let’s get started. Then this:
Is it a sign from the Universe? Though shalt not write today!
I said I would start today and dammit I will. We have the technology.
So now I am here on my trusty iPad and discovered that, yes, I can log in and I can post from an iPad. No more excuses.
Back to the point of this post. Resolutions. Intentions. Does it make a difference? Absolutely. For some time now I have committed to “morning pages” an idea I got from Julia Cameron’s The Artists Way. It has become a very important practice for me and my days always go better when I begin with my journal. The rule is three pages. Keep writing. Even if you write blah blah. Keep writing. I find that the magic happens on the third page. The new insights, the aha moments. So my tip for you today is to start a morning journal. Give it a week. You will see results. I promise.
Now that I have resumed this blog. And, you can see I have, I have several more intentions. One is to write on a regular schedule. For a while I was doing that and had build up a following. Of course, that following went by the wayside when there was nothing to see for weeks and then months on end. So resume I will. Daily? Weekly? I am not sure yet. I will let you know when I set that intention.
My other intention is that sometime in the next few months, these musings will result in a book. Yes, I wrote one of my last posts about why I was not writing a book. I lied. Or, at least I changed my mind. I have something to say and I have been sent more than one message that there is an audience to what I have to say.
I am constantly hearing people talk about how they are too old to follow their dreams. Too old to start a new career (this from a 35 year old). Too old to go to get a new degree (I went to law school at 50). Too old to find romance. (I’m still working on that one). I want to share stories that inspire all of us to live our best life at any age.
Actually, while I was not writing this blog, I did write a book. The book is for my business so I wasn’t counting it as a real book. But, as my daughter pointed out, it is a real book because it has an ISBN number. It is even on Amazon. It has sold three copies! One even in Europe. It is intended to be given away to my clients and potential referral sources. I seriously doubt that I will be going on a national book tour with it. Here is a picture of the box I received as my give away copies.
But that isn’t what you came here to read. This is about YOU. How to live your best life at any age. I want to share your stories, my stories. I hope you will enjoy this journey with me.
See you soon. That is my intention.
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Karin Quirk