

Purses, totes, handbags, pocketbooks. Women have owned all these for as long as I can remember. We always have to have our purse – handbag – with us. Need tissues, lipstick, a checkbook, a wallet, and now a cell phone. Even multiple cell phones. Men are...
Finding Spiritual Advisors in Unlikely Places

Finding Spiritual Advisors in Unlikely Places

Spiritual advisor, counselor, guru, therapist, resident philosopher, teacher – all terms for someone who gives you guidance mainly by listening without judgment, perhaps interjecting just the right words of wisdom. Many people pay for such advice, but most of us...
Solo Travel

Solo Travel

I hate going to a restaurant by myself.  Or movies.  Or very much else.  I am just not a solo person.  So, it is no wonder that I had very little travel experience until I was much older.  However, once I discovered an alternative, I have...
The Agony of The Pretty Girl

The Agony of The Pretty Girl

I have been reading recommendations that say it is not appropriate to compliment little girls on how pretty they are. I do it all the time. “Oh, you are so pretty.” We don’t say that to young boys. We might say they are cute, but we mean cute as children are...
The Time My Life Changed

The Time My Life Changed

(The picture above: Graduation from Western State University College of Law in Irvine, California. To my left is my son-in-law Doug Vavrick and to my right is my daughter Kathleen Quirk.) Funny, sometimes we experience what would be life-changing events, and we know...