Another Trip Around the Sun

Sep 25, 2018 | Uncategorized

Seven years ago I started this blog on the eve of my seventieth birthday. It’s been an on and off situation. Sometimes people even read it! So if you are good at math you can determine that I am now 77. Holy Thor. I’m not sure I know anyone that old. So once again I am determined to get at it.

Yes, blogs are old school. Well so am I. I actually do have instagram and twitter accounts just to prove I can but here I am in my old school format knowing someone somewhere will read and smile of be inspired.

So let’s see what has happened since I started this blog.


I promised myself more travel. And Travel I did.

I went down the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon in a wooden dory sleeping in a small tent. I went to the Caribbean, Alaska — twice, Cabo San Lucas and a very luxurious trip down the Rhine River to explore the country of my birth. This year I did an expedition cruise along the Northwest Pacific Coast. It had some strenuous hikes and some lazy beach walks.

So travel I did and will continue to do.

My goal for the next year is to be a little braver about going by myself.  I find that small groups or small ships are the best way to travel single.  Some of the cruise lines are being more accommodating to single travelers.  Stay tuned for more adventure.


I promised to write more.  I accepted a challenge to write a Sunday blog every week.  I did that.  For about two months. I have attended all sorts of workshops to help writers. And yet I don’t feel I have been writing.  Then this happened.

Despite my protests, I really am a published author.

My promise is that next year there will be another book. A life book?  An inspirational book?  We will see.  But write I will.  I promise.


Ok, here I think I can really claim success. What I am most happy about is the number of people I have introduced to each other. My home hosts parties, creativity groups, writing groups (put that on the to do list) and accountability groups.  I will write future posts about building your tribe and staying socially active as a very important to living a vital life at any age.

Thank you for reading this far.  I promised a group I would write a blog post before our next meeting.  Hmm.  An hour to spare.

And now for your amusement is the gramma birthday picture.  Might be the last year for this.





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